Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Vicia (L) Binder, to bind, a name used by the Roman naturalist and
philosopher Pliny for vetch.
Melanops (L) Black-eyed.
General description:- Scrambling pubescent annual.
1) 20-70 cm tall.
1) Leaflets, 5-10 pairs, 5-20 × 2-8 mm, oblong to obovate, obtuse to emarginate,
2) Uppermost leaves, (above the flowers), pale greenish-yellow.
3) Stipules, small, entire, tendril branched.
1) (1-)2-4 in short-pedicellate axillary clusters.
2) Calyx-teeth, unequal, the lower equalling the tube.
3) Mouth of the calyx tube oblique, teeth unequal.
4) Corolla, 15-22 mm;
a) standard, tawny greenish-yellow.
b) wings, dull purplish-black.
1) Legume, 20-50(-80) × 6-12 mm, brown, glabrous, margin tuberculate, pubescent.
2) Seeds, 4-7; hilum 1/5-1/4 of the circumference.
Key features:-
1) Uppermost leaves, (above flowers) pale greenish-yellow.
2) Standard, tawny greenish-yellow, wings dull purplish-black.
Habitat:- Seasonally damp spots in scrub, open woodland and olive groves, 0-800
Distribution:- lrregularly distributed throughout the Greek mainland and
Peloponnisos. - Also in C Italy, Balkan Peninsula and W Anatolia.
Previously unrecorded from Crete, found near the village of Flathiakes, by Stavros
Skarl, July 2023..
Flowering time:- End of March to early June.
Photo (No. 1) by:- Stavros Skarl